April 2022 LOCSD ENEWS Online
Wildfire Season is Coming.....ARE YOU READY?

Weed abatement is almost here! Get prepared! Visit READYFORWILDFIRE.ORG for more information!
Get prepared for wildfire before it strikes by following Ready, Set, Go!
Be Ready: Create and maintain defensible space and harden your home against flying embers.
Get Set: Prepare your family and home ahead of time for the possibility of having to evacuate.
Be Ready to GO: Take the evacuation steps necessary to give your family and home the best chance of surviving a wildfire.
For more information call our local Weed Abatement number at 805-764-1053 and visit READYFORWILDFIRE.ORG
LOCAC Townhall and Community Fair Event
Come on out Sunday May 1, 2022 from 2-5PM as LOCAC hosts a Town Hall and Community Fair. For more information about the event go to their website at WWW.LOCAC.INFO
Place Food Scraps in your Green Bin

From our friends at IWMA - Which bin do food scraps go in? Your green bin! Here are some ways to store your food scraps before pick-up day:
- Get a free kitchen compost pail from the IWMA office! Rinse it out weekly.
- Purchase a stainless steel pail (found at local stores) that comes with a charcoal filter in the lid!
- Store in a bag in the freezer to reduce smell & empty directly into green waste bin before pick-up day.
Don't have a green bin at your house, business, or apartment complex yet? Call us (IWMA) at (805) 782-8530 & we will help you get set up!
SB 1383 (new law) is a statewide effort to send food scraps to composting facilities rather than the landfill. This will reduce methane emissions from landfills & create nutritious compost for farms, wineries, & residents.
IWMA Office: 870 Osos St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Watering Guide for Coastal Areas

Due to climactic differences in the county, SLO Watewise Landscaping provides a watering guide to residents for different types of landscaping.
The website, www.slowaterwiselandscaping.com, also has a tool that allows users to browse hundreds of beautiful landscape photos and zoom in on a selected plant. Detailed plant photos and plant information are then displayed, enabling users to select and print a customized plant list. The website’s resources section provides additional tips on landscape design, soil preparation, planting, efficient irrigation techniques, in addition to the watering guides for the county’s different climate zones.
Click here to go to SLO Waterwise Landscaping for more information on the watering guide for Coastal Areas!
Notice of Vacancy for Finance Advisory Committee
BE ADVISED THAT the Los Osos Community Services District Board of Directors will consider the appointment of a qualified individual for two (2) replacement Finance Advisory Committee Member member to fill a vacancy on the Finance Advisory Committee as a result of a resignation from the committee, effective April 11, 2022.
Applications of qualified individuals may be submitted to the Los Osos Community Services District office, 2122 9th Street, Suite 110, Los Osos, California, or mailed to P.O. Box 6064, Los Osos, California 93412.
An application form is available on the District website, at www.losososcsd.org/applications-being-accepted-for-finance-advisory-committee or call 805-528-9435 to receive a mailed form.
Applications will be reviewed by the District by April 27, 2022, or until a qualified applicant is found. The Appointing Board Members, Chuck Cesena and Troy Gatchell, reserves the right to appoint any qualified person, applications are requested but not required.
Upcoming Meetings for April 2022 and May 2022
Here is a list of the monthly Board, Utilities Advisory Committee, Finance Advisory Committee and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meetings:
- Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting - April 19, 2022 @5:30PM
- Utilities Advisory Committee Meeting - April 20, 2022 @5:30PM
- Finance Advisory Committee Meeting - May 2, 2022 @ 5:30PM
- Board of Directors Meeting Open Session - May 5, 2022 @ 6PM - Streamed live on the Districts facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/losososcsd
- Utilities Advisory Committee Meeting - May 18, 2022 @5:30PM
- Emergency Services Advisory Committee Meeting - May 19, 2022 @5:30PM
- Finance Advisory Committee Meeting - Tuesday, May 31, 2022 @ 5:30PM
For more information about the upcoming meetings for LOCSD, please go to our website, or click here.