
Drainage Services
The LOCSD Utilities Department maintains four drainage pump stations throughout Los Osos. They are located at the corners of Don Avenue and Mitchell Drive; 8th Street and El Moro Avenue; 16th Street and Paso Robles Avenue; and, 6th Street and El Moro Avenue. In addition to the drainage pump stations, LOCSD crews maintain four drainage retention basins in Los Osos. The drainage retention basins are Bay Oaks and Tierra retention basins in the Bayridge Estates subdivision; Madera retention basin in Cabrillo Estates; and, Los Arboles retention basin in Vista de Oro.
Some areas in Los Osos have a history of flooding, especially during heavy rains. The LOCSD is committed to addressing these flooding problems, working to provide information and solutions, and to promote assistance for residents impacted by storm water flows.
Sandbags are available for purchase at the LOCSD office 2122 9th Street Suite 110 during Lobby Hours only. The sandbags are sold in bundles of 10 for $5.50. Limit of 2 bundles per resident.
The LOCSD provides free sand on a self-service basis for sandbags at the LOCSD Utilities Water Yard at 8th Street and El Moro Avenue. Remember to only fill sandbags half-way to 2/3. Do not fill to top.
Click on this link to see how to fill and lay sandbags: How to Properly Sandbag for Flooding Protection
Residents are encouraged to take proactive prevention measures and should be aware of any possible flooding areas located in the vicinity of their property.
Call the Utilities Department at (805)528-9376 for further questions.
The County of San Luis Obispo has a rainfall, stream and reservoir web page. For recent totals, click here.
What is an Illicit Discharge?
Illicit discharges are generally any discharge into a storm drain system this is not composed entirely of stormwater. The exceptions include water from fire fighting activities and discharges from facilities already under an NPDES permit. Illicit discharges are a problem because, unlike wastewater which flows to a wastewater treatment plant, stormwater generally flows to waterways without any additional treatment. Illicit discharges often include pathogens, nutrients, surfactants, and various toxic pollutants.
If you see water running down the street and there are no firefighting or water operations activities going on in the immediate area, please report it to the LOCSD main office at 805-528-9370.
Downloadable Documents:
LOCSD Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)
Additonal Resources
California Stormwater Quality Association
California Strategy to Optimize Resource Management of Storm Water (STORMS)
More on Stormwater from the USEPA
Integrated Waste Management Authority of San Luis Obispo County (IWMA)
Link to ECO SLO (Environmental Center of San Luis Obispo)
Link to MBNEP (Morro Bay National Estuary Program)
National Geographic's Strange Days on Planet Earth Smart Plastics Guide
Safe Applications of Pesticides for Home and Garden
Surfrider's Ocean Friendly Gardens