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Notice of Public Hearing - County of San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors 

WHO: San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors

WHEN: Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. All items are advertised for 9:00 a.m. To find out placement of this item on the Board of Supervisors Agenda, go to the County’s website at on the Wednesday before the scheduled hearing date.

WHAT: Request by the County of San Luis Obispo to consider and act on items relating to Los Osos community development:

  1. California Coastal Commission's suggested modifications to the Los Osos Community Plan, Estero Area Plan, and Local Coastal Program (LCP) (County File Number: LRP2011- 00016) (Local Coastal Program Amendment Number: LCP-3-SLO-21-0028-1-Part G);
  2. Amendment of the Growth Management Ordinance, Title 26 of the County Code, to establish new residential growth rate regulations for the community of Los Osos, establish regulations pertaining to the Los Osos Waitlist to Build, and modify growth management regulations to streamline administration of the Growth Management Ordinance (County File Number: LRP2020-00006);
  3. Waiving of the reading of the ordinance, if adopted;
  4. Direction to the Clerk of the Board to publish a one-quarter page advertisement summarizing the adopted ordinance and votes in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the County of San Luis Obispo within 15 days of adoption, pursuant to Government Code Section 25124(b)(2); and
  5. Direction to the Department of Planning and Building on Los Osos Habitat Conservation Plan (LOHCP) implementation.

County File Number: LRP2011-00016, LRP2020-00006
Assessor Parcel Numbers: N/A
Supervisorial District: 2
Date Accepted: N/A

WHERE: The hearing will be held in the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Chamber, 1055 Monterey Street, Room #D170, County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, CA. The Board of Supervisors Chamber is located on the corner of Santa Rosa and Monterey Streets. At the hearing, all interested persons may express their views for or against, or to change the proposal.

You may contact Cory Hanh, Planning Division Manager, in the San Luis Obispo County Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 200, San Luis Obispo, California 93408, at or (805) 781- 5600. The staff report will be available for review the Wednesday before the scheduled hearing date on the County’s website at

On December 15, 2020, the Board certified Final Environmental Impact Reports for the LOCP (SCH #2015031090) and the LOHCP (SCH #2013091071) pursuant to the applicable sections of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The recommended Growth Management Ordinance Amendment is consistent with the buildout scenario analyzed in the LOCP Final Environmental Impact Report.
On June 13, 2024, the Coastal Commission approved LCP Amendment Number LCP-3-SLO-21-0028-1-Part G (LOCP), provided that the County accepts their suggested modifications. The Coastal Commission’s LCP amendment review, approval, and certification process has been certified by the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency as being the functional equivalent of the environmental review required by CEQA (CCR Section 15251(f)).
DATED: October 16, 2024
By: /s/ Niki Martin
Deputy Clerk

Notice of Public Hearing SLO County Board of Supervisors 10/29/24
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