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September 2024 LOCSD ENEWS Online

Mission County Disposal Clean Up Week September 30 - October 4th
Logo Mission Country Disposal - Text: Safety, integrety, trust

Clean Up Week will be September 30 - October 4th. For Bulky Items (see the list below) you must call at LEAST one week prior to your collection day to schedule 805-543-0875 - Discounted pick up rates for Bulky Items are provided for those item. 

Container Notes

Cleanup Week garbage may be placed in standard trash cans or tied into bundles. Standard trash containers will be emptied and left on the curb. Boxes and plastic bags will be taken away with your garbage. If you want your non-standard containers left behind, please mark or place a note on them.

Container Size

Containers or bundles of garbage must weigh 75 pounds or less and must measure four feet or less in overall length. No hazardous materials will be taken. Garbage, greenwaste, & recycling combined for 6 cans, bags, or bundles plus your waste wheelers. Excess garbage will be left on the curb.
SIX standard trash cans (31 gallons each) OR the equivalent in bags, boxes, or bundles. Each not to exceed 75 pounds and four feet in length. 

General Tip

1. Please don’t use plastic bags in the commingled recycling or greenwaste cans. Inadvertently someone will throw garbage in with the recycling and contaminate the entire load. Just dump the recycling in the can and throw the bag away.
2. Large pieces of cardboard need to be cut up or broken down so they fit in the blue recycle cart. The automated trucks can’t pick up loose cardboard. If you need a bigger blue bin call the office. There is a fee to remove extra cardboard.
3. If you forget to put your cans out by 6:00AM and we have to send a truck back to your house, there will be a trip charge for each commodity.
4. It is important to not pack the waste wheeler so tight that when turned upside down, nothing will come out.
The office number is 805-543-0875.

Bulky Items – LIMIT TWO EACH - Bulk item rates are different for each city

You must call Mission Country Disposal at least one week before your collection day to schedule. 805-543-0875

Place your Clean-Up Week garbage on the curb no later than 6:00 a.m. on your regular garbage collection day. Don’t block your waste wheelers, we still run automated trucks.
The following special prices are valid only during Clean-Up Week and must be on the curb to qualify:
• Televisions
• Water Heaters
• Couches
• Washers
• Dryers
• Small Appliances
• Chairs
• Box Springs
• Mattresses
• Refrigerators
• Overstuffed Chairs
• No auto parts
To arrange for pickup of bulky items (not free) you must first call 805-543-0875.
Bulky items will not be picked up unless you call first.

A colored map of Los Osos showing the Los Osos Community Services District and its Board of Director areas.

The Los Osos Community Services District is an independent government agency that provides Water, Drainage, Parks and Recreation, Solid Waste, Street Lighting for Vista De Oro and Bayridge Estates, Fire Emergency and Rescue Response Services. Board Members serve an important role in how these services are provided by establishing policies, defining priorities, setting utility rates, and ensuring tax dollars are spent efficiently and effectively.

The Board of Directors is made up of five persons, serving staggered four-year terms, and meet once a month on the first Thursday at 6 pm. Board Members also serve on Committees and may represent the District on other regional agencies or commissions. Board Members earn $100 per day while attending meetings or training, up to a maximum of $600 per month.

Effective Board Members do not need to have expertise or even experience with the services the District provides, but do need to be able to put in the time necessary to come up to speed with the issues the District is facing, spend a few hours before each meeting reviewing materials and preparing for the meeting, and be able to work with the other members of the Board, District staff and the Community to provide for the best outcomes for the District and its residents and businesses.

District 3 and District 5 both have openings starting December 2024. Any resident that fills out an application needs to reside in the corresponding District. Please see the attached District Map for the District locations.

The Los Osos Community Services District requests that residents that apply attend the October 3rd Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the District Board Room located at 2122 9th Street Suite 106, Los Osos, and be available to answer questions related to their application. The District Board will be making an appointment recommendation to County of San Luis Board of Supervisors for their consideration.

Applications are due on September 25, 2024 at 4:00pm; please submit to: Los Osos Community Services District; Attn: Laura Durban, Deputy Board Secretary; P.O. Box 6064, Los Osos, CA 93412

Applications may also be dropped off in the District’s drop-box located at 2122 9th Street Suite 110, Los Osos or e-mailed to

For more information, or to get your application please go to:


On June 13th, 2024, the California Coastal Commission (CCC) unanimously certified an amendment to the Estero Area Plan (EAP) with suggested modifications, based on the Los Osos Community Plan. The new policies and regulations of the amendment do not take effect unless the Board of Supervisors takes action to accept the suggested modifications and the CCC subsequently takes final action, recognizing the Board of Supervisors’ acceptance of the suggested modifications.

Key policies and regulations from CCC’s June 13th action:

  • Residential growth rate cap to be 1% of total residential dwelling units
  • Requirement for development to comply with the community-wide Los Osos Habitat Conservation Plan (LOHCP) and Incidental Take Permit
  • Requirement for development to be served by a sustainable wastewater treatment system (such as the Los Osos sewer)

BMC and water purveyor staff will be working with the County to develop amendments to the Growth Management Ordinance for Los Osos that will include the continuation of the water neutral development requirements (2:1 offset per Title 19) and other safeguards to ensure the sustainability of the groundwater basin.

The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing in October 29,  2024 to consider the CCC suggested modifications for the Estero Area Plan amendment and amendment to the Los Osos section of Title 26 which will codify the recommended growth rate implementation approach in the Growth Management Ordinance. If the modifications to the Estero Area Plan are approved by the Board of Supervisors, the final plan will return to the CCC for final action, probably sometime before the end of 2024.

For general Los Osos inquiries and as it relates to LOCP, the Growth Management Ordinance or the Habitat Conservation Plan, please see the County website:

Upcoming Meetings and Town Hall 

September 26, 2024: LOCAC General Council meeting
October 5, 2024: Los Osos “town hall” community meeting
October 8, 2024: County Board of Supervisors meeting – Introduction for ordinances relating to Los Osos growth rate and Los Osos Habitat Conservation Plan fees (consent agenda)
October 24, 2024: LOCAC General Council meeting
October 29, 2024: County Board of Supervisors meeting – Hearing to consider acceptance of California Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications, amendment to Los Osos Community Plan, establishment of Los Osos growth rate and protocols for implementation of the “Los Osos Waitlist to Build”, and implementation of Los Osos Habitat Conservation Plan
December 2024 (Tentative): California Coastal Commission meeting to consider County Board of Supervisors action

An Overview of Los Osos CSD's Water System

The Los Osos Community Services District water system uses seven source wells.  Water delivered to the LOCSD customers is groundwater that originates from the Los Osos Valley Basin.  The groundwater basin is a collection of local drainage basins, streams, creeks, and natural percolation from rain, agriculture, and domestic use.  Water is cleaned through a natural filtration process as it trickles down through the ground.  During this process, water may also pick up contaminants found in the soil, either naturally occurring minerals or substances resulting from animals or human activity.  Groundwater is normally very clean and is simply disinfected to help minimize the chance of any viral and bacterial contamination.

Each well is equipped with on-line apparatus for operation and monitoring purposes.  An alarm system is integrated in the monitoring process to notify operators if there is a problem at any well site or District facility.  Two District wells have additional filtration equipment designed to remove naturally occurring iron and manganese found in these wells to aesthetically acceptable levels. One upper aquifer well has the nitrates removed prior to distribution into the water system. 

The Utilities Department operators are responsible for treatment of the seven groundwater supply wells.  Crews are also responsible for water quality monitoring, sampling, distribution system repair/maintenance, meter reading and regulatory reporting compliance. The delivery of water to the District’s water customers is conveyed through a network of over 27 miles of water main lines, utilizing three water storage tanks, seven groundwater wells connected through approximately 2,780 water service lines and meters serving residences and businesses. Included in the domestic water service infrastructure are 167 fire hydrants with some 558 valves that require periodic maintenance and inspection. These services provided by Utilities Department personnel not only assure delivery of clean, safe and potable drinking water, but also provide the water essential for fire fighting.


Water Conservation is a Way of Life for Los Osos Residents

Living in Los Osos we take our approach to water seriously.  We rely completely on groundwater and we know we need to conserve.  Last month we showed you how to read your water meter which is another way to conserve by keeping your eye on the usage.  Sometimes we need to be gently reminded that water should be conserved.

Here are some water conservation tips for indoors and out:

  • Water outdoor vegetation only between the hours of dusk and dawn
  • If you spill ice cubes on the floor, pick them up and put them in a houseplant
  • Soak your dirty dishes in a sink full of water instead of running the water while washing
  • If your toilet flapper doesn’t close properly after flushing, replace it
  • Look at your water meter, there is a leak indicator that will move if water is passing through it
  • Turn off the water when brushing your teeth, it can save 10 gallons per person per day
  • Plant California native plants and use less water
  • Always run a full load of laundry and save 15 to 45 gallons per load
  • Reuse your cooking water by watering a plant
  • Wash your vehicle at a carwash, they recycle the water
  • Fix leaky faucets around your house
  • Every drop counts, use water wisely

The LOCSD website has a whole page dedicated to water conservation with all sorts of links and related information.  Take a look to see some of these tips and other ways you can save water.  You can find it by clicking on this link

Thank you for doing your best to conserve water.

Upcoming Meeting Schedule for the CSD

LOCSD is also continuing with their regularly scheduled Board, Utilities Advisory Committee, Finance Advisory Committee, Emergency Services Advisory Committee and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meetings. 

Information for each meeting and how to get connected will be available on the Agenda for each meeting. Agendas can be found on the LOCSD Website ( which is posted a minimum of 72 hours before the meeting time.

Our upcoming meetings are: 

  • Utilities Advisory Committee Meeting - September 25, 2023 @5:30PM 
  • Finance Advisory Committee Meeting - September 30, 2023 @ 5:30PM
  • Board of Directors Meeting - October 3, 2023 Open Session @ 6:00 PM

For more information about the upcoming meetings for LOCSD, please go to our website, or click here

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